How can I help you?


With over 20 years of experience, I would love to help you communicate better.

Brand Design

It is extremely important for small businesses and startups to create a lasting impression on your target audience. Let me help you create a thoughtful and strategic brand identity that makes an impact. Together we can develop a cohesive system of brand elements that will positively influence what people think of your business.

By combining insights about your business, your customers, and the solutions your product or services bring to the market we can create a brand identity that people understand and connect with.

Brand Personality

I like to define a brand personality as a combination of your brand story, voice, position, and how you connect to your customers. When we know what we are about and what we believe we can  make better decisions, and created a stronger culture.

Logo Design

A quality logo is one of the most important elements for your brand. It should be memorable, flexible, and timeless. Well designed logos fit into a cohesive brand identity and allow a business to grow along with it. Don’t sell yourself and your business short by cutting corners in the logo design process.

Visual Identity

A brand’s visual identity is much more than a logo. Developing a strategy based visual language through consistent and cohesive use of color, typography, and mood helps customers quickly recognize your business in our noisy and distracted world. High quality service combined with consistent visual expressions are keys to building customer relationships of trust.

Marketing Materials

Marketing is a blanket term for a wide variety of communication materials designed to attract new customers or sell a product. This can include everything from social media ads to road signs and vehicle graphics, and even your employee uniforms or merchandise. Your effectiveness is greatly increased when the marketing materials are strategic and connect to the systems you have in place, and your brand’s overall identity. 

Content Strategy

As a business owner you are an expert in the service or product you are providing. But let’s face it, no one can be an expert at everything. Having a well defined content strategy takes some of the pressure off of you as the boss. You can use the strategy to delegate tasks to your employees and to help make decisions that keep your business moving forward.

Content Creation

For startups and small businesses in particular, finding the time and energy to generate content that is valuable and engaging for your audience can be overwhelming. Having a strategy helps, but sometimes you also need help with execution. I can help create on brand social media posts, photography, video, and even educational materials for your business or service to give you more time to do what you do best.

Website Design

There are very few businesses left in the world that can survive without some form of online presence. A well designed website helps your business to make a strong first impression and informs customers how to be prepared for your product or service. It can be leveraged for communication and/or sales and is becoming an increasingly important factor when customers search for solutions.


Partnering With You To Meet Your Needs


You know your business and goals far better than I do. Our work together starts with me getting to know what you’re looking for and us determining if we’re a good fit.


Projects always contain variables. From budgets, to timelines, to the medium you need to communicate through, we will work out the details together and set a plan to achieve your goals.


I communicate throughout the process to ensure we’re staying on target. Your feedback helps guide and refine the product so you can be excited about the results.

Options Based On Your Priorities

“You can have fast and cheap, but it won’t be good” is a truth that applies to many aspects of our lives.

My goal for you is the right combination of all three pillars of service, with the understanding that some needs become more important than others.

I do my best to tailor the process based on your communicated priorities and try to work through this with you up front so there are no surprises on the bill.

Want to know more?

Use this form to let me know some basic info, what you are looking for, along with how to reply, and I’ll get back to you.

Or, give me a call:
(443) 840-8845